Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Long Response to Climate Change Denier, Letter to Editor, 2009


There are three broad responses to the Letter:

    1. Assumptions & Omissions
    2. Incorrect or should've known
    3. Examining Claims. [ Summary Response ]

Letter to the Editor to a regional newspaper, published in 2009.
Included as a submission to 2012 Senate Inquiry "The Social and Economic Impact of Rural Wind Farms".
Text at:

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Summary Response to Climate Change Denier, Letter to Editor, 2009

Original Document

Letter to the Editor to a regional newspaper, published in 2009.

Included as a submission to 2012 Senate Inquiry "The Social and Economic Impact of Rural Wind Farms".


Long Response: Long Response

Summary response

What a hoot this letter is. Reminiscent of "Grampa" on the Simpsons, an angry old man shouting incoherently at the sky.

The author confuses 'area' and 'volume', more than once,

Monday, June 20, 2022

Climate Change Denier, Letter to the Editor in 2009. "Coal fired power stations are 96% efficient"

Below is the text of a Letter to the Editor to a small regional newspaper, published in 2009.

It was attachment 9 of a submission to 2012 Senate Inquiry "The Social and Economic Impact of Rural Wind Farms”. 

Part 2: Summary Response 

Part 3: Long Response

The context is during the "Kevin '07" Labor Government.